Monday, July 9, 2012


Today was a nice day. I woke up early to meet my French friend Eve for breakfast kind of near the Denfert-Rochereau area before she had to go to work. This is actually only the second time we've hung out even though we talk a lot over Facebook and texts. We know each other because she did the same volunteer program with the Israeli army last summer that my friends Courtney and Daniel did, so when I got to France, Courtney made sure that her two friends now living near Paris met up. It was nice seeing finally seeing Eve, since it's been hard to get together during the year because of our schedules, and I'm also glad that I got to fit in another opportunity to speak some more French before I left.

I went back home after, and then a few hours later I went out again to meet Mariene and see her new apartment for next year! It's great, neat the La Motte-Piquet Grenelle area, with an amazing location next to a bunch of Metro lines, low rent, and a LOT of space. I'm super jealous. Hopefully I'll get to come back and visit while she's still living there!

Then I had some time to kill so I took the metro a few stops with her and then got out and walked for a bit to Invalides, and from there I took my normal walk from Rue du Babylone in St. Germain all the way to the part of St. Germain with the church St. Germain, and then to the Latin Quarter to meet Lewis via the incredibly adorable Rue du Buci. It's one of my favorite walks in Paris not necessarily because it has the nicest views, but because it takes you through two of my favorite areas. Lewis and I hung out for a little, and I got the BEST SANDWICH OF MY LIFE. It's good that I didn't discover this little sandwich stand earlier, or else I would definitely be a few pounds heavier. It's just a normal baguette sandwich, but with tomatoes, huge chunks of feta, olive oil AND DOLMA. What could be better??? Grape leaves IN a sandwich? Ridiculous!!

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