Friday, February 3, 2012

Deja Vu

TOTAL deja friend Carmen and I spent yesterday walking around Paris, absolutely FREEZING. Carmen and I studied together in Bordeaux, and she's currently staying with me because she has a conference in the city (yay for wonderful host parents who say I can have people over!). Anyway, it's finally gotten cold...the kind of cold that it was when we arrived in France last time. AND we both happened to be wearing coats that we spent that entire in Bordeaux wearing. Ahhhhh. I'm planning on wearing two pairs of socks AND two pairs of gloves today.

Also, an update to my last post about Susan G. Komen. I still think it's an important organization, but until this whole thing blows over, if you feel like making a donation to a breast cancer organization, I urge you to make it to Sharsheret instead.

Sharsheret is one of the charities that my sorority supports, and it's a wonderful organization that specifically focuses on helping young Jewish women who have breast and ovarian cancer. Ashkenazi women are about TEN TIMES more likely than the general population to carry the gene mutation that potentially causes breast cancer.

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