Thursday, March 1, 2012

Home to Paris

We got back on Wednesday with absolutely ZERO travel problems. As in, our bus showed up right as we arrived, and we got to the airport with plenty of time. So that was nice.

I spent yesterday and today doing laundry and watching The Sopranos, but I'm definitely getting out tomorrow because I'm starting to feel cooped up. The plus side of being in my room is that I can't spend money on crepes or croissants. The downside is that I eat everything else in sight! It's a big struggle though.  Last time, I didn't have any money, so it didn't really matter how much I spent. This time, when I can see it and feel it in my hands, I can at least try and budget. I keep telling myself that if I just ate 10 less Nutella crepes over the course of my entire stay here (which really isn't a lot. And it's not like I eat them as much as I talk about them, in reality), then I could buy a cute pair of shoes or something! Or 4 scarves! But being in a city that's 1)full of delicious snacks, and 2)really exhausting, which means that one needs food all the time, is my problem. Stupid Paris! No, I take that back, I love you!

I finally figured out how to locate (relatively) cheap train tickets, to places in France and elsewhere. Why is Milan 8 hours away? It's a problem. Same with Barcelona. Perhaps I'll make it to Amsterdam though. OR MAYBE I'LL JUST EAT A LOT OF CREPES INSTEAD.

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