Monday, April 16, 2012


Today Jean (Lise's grandpa) took us to the aquarium in MONACO! Woo hoo, another country to check off my list! We walked around a little bit afterwards and saw the Palais, but Lise was in a really bad mood so we left pretty soon after. The aquarium was really fun though, and it was especially fun to visit it with a little kid who was genuinely excited about everything. She's never seen Finding Nemo, so that's definitely on my to-do list for when we get home. We didn't get to see a lot of Monaco, so I might go back when my friend Carmen is in town over the next few days, but I still have to explore Nice and that might be more interesting.

Then on the way home (without stopping, Monaco is probably 25 minutes away from their house) we stopped by the village of Eze, to see the cactus garden up high on a hill in what used to be the location of an old castle, which was also fun.

Lots of uphill climbing during this vacation!

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