Saturday, June 30, 2012

Long Day

I started my day at my last tutoring session with Pierre (it's not really tutoring, just me getting paid a lot to make him speak English with me for an hour), and it was the last time so the family surprised me with a gift - a French novel to read that looks interesting, and I was really touched that they thought my English-speaking skills deserved a gift :)

I had lunch with Sarah and Rachael  in the city and we did some shopping (souvenirs and sales) and then I came back home in the overbearing humidity to watch Lise perform at her gymnastics show. Then I went back into Paris (the walk from the stadium to the train station was a half hour by itself), where I met up with Mariene and our friend Emma to crash some Jewish person's birthday party at one bar in St. Germain, and then we went to another bar to say hi to our friend Haley who works there. And now it's 1:21AM and I'm really tired and disgusting.

It's seriously really humid here. Obviously not as humid as the American East Coast is, but still too humid for me. European weather SUCKS. Why do people live here?

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